I have to be honest, next to Christmas, Halloween is my favorite holiday. I’ve always looked forward to picking out a costume, getting all dressed up, doing hair and makeup, and then going out and celebrating with all the other Halloween kooks! I’m so excited to be able to go trick-or-treating again too! What’s more fun than being a kid and roaming around your neighborhood in fantastical costumes, banging on people’s doors and yelling at them to give you candy? Greatest. Thing. Ever. Plus, this is when the holiday season really kicks into gear and everything just gets better from here until the end of the year, especially because we’re sharing it all for the first time with Ceci!

Wagon baby wp

This year, we dressed up as astronauts to attend some specspooktacular Halloween parties over the weekend—if  you’re a local, Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Halloween Bash is definitely a must—and then went up to San Francisco to visit our dear friends and their insanely cute new baby. We also fit in some pumpkin patching during our visit and since it was Ceci and Baby H’s first trip to a pumpkin patch, we made sure to take lots of pictures to commemorate the event. Besides, what’s cuter than babies and tiny pumpkins? There are a ton of great pumpkin patches in the area as well, Earthbound Farms in Carmel Valley has a gorgeous one and we usually make the short trip up to Davenport where there are plenty of pumpkin patches and even some spooky corn mazes too. It’s an annual tradition that we always enjoy and it was even better this year in a new place with a new little fella that we love already!

This time of the year ushers in the changing seasons and the excitement for the holidays to come. It truly feels like fall in October, wherever you live. The air is crisper, the evenings are darker, and there’s nothing better than walking outside in your Halloween costume and feeling that familiar chill in the air. I’ve always gone all out on Halloween and dreamed up some elaborate costume—Margot Tenenbaum, Beetlejuice’s Lydia, Natalie Portman’s Black Swan, just to name a few—but this year with a little wiggle worm in tow we decided to play it simple and go with an easy group costume. We’re also taking advantage of C’s inability to pick out her own costume for now and milking the group costume cuteness…ideas are already bubbling up for next year’s group theme!

I’m so looking forward to all the adorable kid costumes in our very near future, I hope little C loves Halloween as much as mama and papa do! She definitely seemed to get a kick out of all the festivities this weekend. And while she isn’t entirely mobile yet, (although those first steps might be coming pretty soon!), we’re still able to let her crawl around and explore everything, and it’s just such a treat to watch her discovering new things for the first time. I can just picture us chasing her all around the pumpkin patch next year!

Hope you’re all enjoying lots of fun festivities this season! Cheers!

What we’re wearing:
Cassy/Roolee jumpsuit/Hollister top/Abercrombie Cardigan (old)
Drew/Bonobos jeans/Huckberry Jacket
Baby/JamieKay sweater/Gap dress/Sherbert Lane bow

Posted by:theburrierannex

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